Los Angeles Unified School District
Holmes Middle School / Holmes Humanities Magnet
School Site Council (SSC)
May 5, 2020
9:00 AM – Virtual Meeting
Los Angeles Unified School District
Holmes Middle School / Holmes Humanities Magnet
School Site Council (SSC)
May 5, 2020
9:00 AM – Virtual Meeting
I. Welcome/Call to Order Chairperson
II. Flag Salute Member
Saludo a la Bandera
III. Public Comment(s) Parliamentarian
Comentarios del público
IV. Approval of Minutes (Action Item) Secretary
Aprobacion de las actas electorales
V. Principal’s Update Principal
Actualización de Principal
VI. Unfinished Business (Action Item) Chairperson
Ausuntos Pendientes
VII. 2019-2020 SPSA Coordinator
VIII. New Business (Action Item, if items require vote)
IX. Agenda Recommendations (Action Item) Vice-Chairperson
Recomendaciones de la Agenda
X. Announcement(s) Parliamentarian
XII. Adjournment (Action Item) Chairperson
Clausura de la Reunion
Next Meeting: TBD- based on SPSA Needs
To review or obtain copies of materials, please visit the main office of Holmes Middle School. To request a disability- related accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please call Mr. Betancourt at (818) 678-4100 or email him at [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance. Individuals wishing to speak under the Public Comment section on the agenda must sign up at the meeting and should plan to arrive early, as they can no longer register once the list is collected prior to the beginning of the Public Comment section on the agenda.
II. Flag Salute Member
Saludo a la Bandera
III. Public Comment(s) Parliamentarian
Comentarios del público
IV. Approval of Minutes (Action Item) Secretary
Aprobacion de las actas electorales
V. Principal’s Update Principal
Actualización de Principal
VI. Unfinished Business (Action Item) Chairperson
Ausuntos Pendientes
VII. 2019-2020 SPSA Coordinator
VIII. New Business (Action Item, if items require vote)
IX. Agenda Recommendations (Action Item) Vice-Chairperson
Recomendaciones de la Agenda
X. Announcement(s) Parliamentarian
XII. Adjournment (Action Item) Chairperson
Clausura de la Reunion
Next Meeting: TBD- based on SPSA Needs
To review or obtain copies of materials, please visit the main office of Holmes Middle School. To request a disability- related accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please call Mr. Betancourt at (818) 678-4100 or email him at [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance. Individuals wishing to speak under the Public Comment section on the agenda must sign up at the meeting and should plan to arrive early, as they can no longer register once the list is collected prior to the beginning of the Public Comment section on the agenda.
Posted on May 1, 2020