Northridge Academy (High School) Soccer Practice Notification Beginning October 19 - February 18, 2022, Northridge Academy High School will be using our PE field from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday.
Maintenance Mondays Students should perform these weekly items to their iPads to minimize tech issues.
SENI Allocation Parent Input Survey Please take a moment to complete this survey - your input is valuable.
INTERVENTION INTEREST FORM Is your child in need of help in English and math? Please click on the title to access the form. Intervention classes begin next week.
Council and Committee Meetings Join us on Monday, September 20, 2021, for our SSC and ELAC Officer Elections. Click on the headline for additional meeting information.
Holmes MS Clubs Form Link Click on this link to submit interest in any of our clubs. You can join as many as you want - we will get an update of days and times soon!
ACE AWARDS RECIPIENTS LIST Congratulations to our ACE AWARDS recipients! Click on the link to view the full list of 7th and 8th grade eligible students.