English Language Learners
What is an English Language Learner?
English-language learners, or ELLs, are students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and who typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses.
Parent Participation for English Language Learners
Schools where the total EL enrollment is more than twenty students need to develop an English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC). The English Learner Advisory Committee is an important committee that gives input and makes recommendations regarding the program we provide for our students who are English Learners. The committee members monitor student progress through test data and attendance data. They make recommendations about the use of EL funds and the selection of instructional materials. Parents of English Learners are encouraged to join this committee, but all parents are welcome.
Click on the highlighted link to view the Secondary Master Plan Instruction Video in English and Spanish.
Click on the highlighted link to view the EL Secondary Brochure in English and Spanish.
Click on the Highlighted link to view the LAUSD Master Plan Document
Click on the Highlighted link to view the English Language Development Standards
Click on the Highlighted link to view additional Parent Resources
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